Friday, February 21, 2014

Morning Exercises - February 21

I had fun with the exercises this morning and thought they turned out pretty ridiculous so I thought I would share.

Whiporwilllllllllllllll, Whiporwillllllllllllllllllll, Whiporwillll. I heard some where if you say whiporwill it will make a mockingbird come out. Maybe it wasn't a mockingbird. Actually I think the name of the bird is Whiporwill and they named it after that sound. I think. Either way, I've been out here yelling whiporwill for like four hours and I haven't seen one stupid whiporwill. I also haven't seen any trees though cause you know we are in Venice. Whiporwills probably live in trees, right? But there are other birds around. I can here them, chirp, chirp, chirping. Wow, can you imagine being a bird in Venice? That would probably fucking suck. No trees, have to have your babies on roofs and in gutters. If they fall they just drown. No little girl is gonna come and pick it off the ground and say 'Oh poor little birdy, I'll just nurse you back to health', nope. I don't know if birds even care about that stuff anyway. They probably just look down and go 'well, one less mouth to feed' and go on their way.

Waterfall Convo #1:
-How do you think rainbows became some sort of queer logo?
-I don't know.
-I know you don't know, but you know, play along, god. 
-Maybe cause like rainbows don't happen that often and are kinda rare, like queer people.
-What the fuck. No.
-You asked me. I mean it kinda makes sense. Rainbows are all pretty and when they happen it's rare so if you were gay and you didn't know that many gay people you'd be like 'we're like rainbows, rare and pretty'

Fish Convo:
-Hey fish.
-Hey human.
-Which fish are you?
-I am all fish.
-Yeah, I'm every fish. We all have the same brain.
-Like a hive mind?
-No, like a fish mind. A giant, amazing fish mind.
-Are sharks part of the fish mind? I mean I know sharks are technically fish, but humans don't really think of them like normal fish.
-Our fish mind didn't know that.

Waterfall Convo #:
-So do you think waterfalls are a gay icon too? Cause rainbows happen a lot at waterfalls.
-This water fall doesn't have a rainbow, idiot.
-Ok, but I'm just saying they are semi-common at waterfalls. That is true.
-Well, there is that song that says 'don't go chasing waterfalls, just listen to the rivers and the something that your used to'. Do you think that song is instructions how to not accidentally hit on gay people, if you are straight? Cause if waterfalls are a gay icon, it might be a code word or something.

The reflection of the mountain this morning kinda reminds me of a giant uterus. Weird. Now the reflection kinda looks like that Game of Thrones wolf logo. Man, I can't wait for Game of Thrones to come on again.

This stupid bitch on the way to work today she thought I guess it would be super fun to be drunk at 10 AM. Most people on the boat at 10 AM on a Monday are going to work, including me, but no she thought 'I think I'll be drunk and pick fights and jump fucking overboard. Yep, this crazy bitch just peaced the fuck out right over the edge of the boat singing My Heart Will Go On. So they had to stop the whole f-ing boat and reel her in. Then wait for the coast guard, or sea ambulance, or whatever to come pick her up. And everyone on the boat is either falling asleep or getting in line to yell at the captain.

Giant lady water thing:
That lady is real pretty. Splish splash, lady. I bet if she could she would play with me. Not like my stupid mom. She's over there on her phone. She's always on her phone. I heard grandma whispering about it once. Grandma hates phones and I don't think she likes my mom. Grandma would love this lady though. Oh no. She left me.

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